Monday, May 21, 2012

9 Tips for Staying Focused

1. Work from a To-Do List Each Day

One of the best ways to stay focused and on task is to have a list of
specific things that you need to do each day. Without having a to-do
list it is easy to get distracted or to dedicate time to things that
aren’t important, but with a to-do list you’ll always know exactly
what you need to do each day. Most of us don’t like to end the day
with things from our to-do list still unchecked, so it serves as
motivation to stay on task and to get things done.

2. Eliminate the Easy Tasks from Your To-Do List First

This may be more personal preference than anything, but for me it is
one of the most important things I can do to stay focused. Each day
will have a few siginifcant tasks that will take up most of the day,
and a few smaller tasks that can be done in a matter of a few minutes.
When I look at my to-do list and see things crossed off I feel good
about my progress and it’s easier to stay focused. When I leave the
little things till later my to-do list will look more intimidating all
day, and sometimes it can be distracting. I prefer to take care of the
easier things early in the day so I can get them off of my list and
then I can focus completely on major tasks without distraction of
having a to-do list that looks very full.

3. Keep Your Expectations Realistic

There is only so much that you can get done in one day. If you
overload your to-do list you will be stressed out all day and you
probably won’t do your best quality work because you’ll be feeling
rushed. If you keep a smaller number of things on your to-do list you
can focus more on doing your best quality of work.

4. Work Ahead of Deadlines Whenever Possible

Working on tight deadlines can hurt your focus in a few different
ways. First, if you’re thinking more about the deadline than the
details of the project, it can hurt your work. Second, if you have
deadlines coming up you’ll have little choice about what you’re going
to work on since you’ll need to rush to meet the deadline. When you’re
not working with tight deadlines you’ll have more flexibility to
choose what you are going to work on each day, allowing you to use
your time and attention wherever you want.

You won’t always be able to avoid tight deadlines, but it’s a good
habit to work ahead of deadlines whenever possible.

5. Close Out of Unneccesary Programs

Most designers and developers work in a lot of different programs
throughout the day. If you have programs open that you are not using
it’s easier to get distracted by something that you aren’t expecting.
Closing the programs that you’re not using at the time will help to
declutter and you’ll eliminate potential distractions before they can
become an issue.

6. Turn Off Your Phone

Phones can be a distraction not only when you’re receiving calls. Most
people receive and send several text messages each day. By turning
your phone off you won’t hear notifications of new text messages, and
you won’t pick up your phone to read it. Once you pick up your phone
the interenet and apps can also be a distraction. Turning the phone
off for a while obviously helps to eliminate these distractions as

7. Don’t Try to Multi-Task

Multi-tasking is one of those things that most of us have been
programmed to do, and it’s often considered to be a great skill. The
problem is that when you are multi-tasking you’re not focusing on any
one thing, and your work will typically suffer in all areas.

Rather than trying to do several things at once, focus on one thing at
a time and move through your to-do list by checking things off
individually. This will help you to get things done faster and with
better quality of work.

8. Have a Comfortable, Dedicated Office Space

Your environment has a lot of influence on your focus. If you’re
working from home make sure that you have an area that is dedicated to
being your work space and nothing else. A private room with a door is
best, but if you don’t have the space for an office make sure you at
least have a desk and a section of a room for your work space. This
work space should be confortable (including a good chair) and
preferrably in a quiet area of the house.

9. Take Short Breaks Throughout the Day

Trying to work for too long without any breaks will lead to poor
focus. Just taking 5 or 10 minutes to stretch your legs, get some
fresh air, or get a drink will help to improve your level of concentration

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